House Prepares to Vote on Legislation to Limit Nationwide Injunctions

The bill seeks to restrict district judges from issuing nationwide injunctions, which have increased since President Trump took office.

Members of the House majority are preparing to vote on a bill this week that seeks to limit the scope of injunctions federal district judges can impose on the federal government.

The legislation, titled the No Rogue Rulings Act, would “limit the judicial overreach of partisan federal judges issuing political nationwide injunctions to impede President Trump’s agenda the majority of American voters elected him to carry out,” House Majority Leader Steve Scalise stated. The House Judiciary Committee passed the measure earlier this month.

District judges have increasingly issued nationwide injunctions against actions taken by the federal government as lawsuits play out. The injunction is intended to prevent the federal government from enacting policies until the court rules on the cases alleging the violation.

A number of judges have issued injunctions against President Trump’s administration since his second term began. The administration has criticized the injunctions and called for the impeachment of judges issuing the orders. While Chief Justice John Roberts denounced the impeachment of judges for rulings the government does not agree with, federal legislators seek to restrict judicial overreach.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For House Speaker Johnson and Majority Leader Scalise to seek God’s guidance as they prepare for the vote.
  • For federal judges at every level to uphold the law and the Constitution as they issue rulings.

Sources: Washington Times, The Hill


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